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Curb Space
Monitoring actual curb usage
In this use case we want to explore what is needed to get insight in the actual use of the curb space. This could help policy makers and traffic managers in steering actual usage towards the intended usage
Curb Space
Insight in the curbside
In this use case we want to explore what information is lacking, and what is needed to give the user of public space insight into the characteristics and permitted use of our public space.
Traffic Safety
Peak Moments
How can we ensure traffic safety during the busiest times, during peak moments?
Curb Space
Dynamische optimalisatie van stoepruimte(EN)
Bij het optimaliseren van het gebruik van stoepruimte naar gewenst (en rechtvaardig) gebruik, is het nodig om het gebruik te herprioriteren. We willen onderzoeken wat het betekent om het gebruik van stoepruimte dynamisch te controleren.
Parking Space
Parking in desired locations
How can we make parking more attractive in places where we want cars to be, such as Park & Ride (P&R) facilities, garages on the outskirts of the city, etc.?
Parking Space
Parking Priority
How can we ensure that people can still get to where they need to be despite the limited parking options?
Parking Space
Office locations
How can we better manage parking facilities at office locations?
Parking Space
Reducing Search Traffic
How can we reduce search traffic when there is a shortage of parking spaces (multimodal)?
Parking Space
Combining charging and parking
How can we ensure that charging stations can be managed based on the available electricity in the grid and lower the threshold for using charging stations?
Intelligent Access
Closing areas for specific target groups
How could we apply intelligent access to maintain low traffic areas, so that the livability and safety of these neighborhoods will be improved?
Intelligent Access
Closing passages and areas in a dynamic way
Existing ‘terms and conditions’ to get access are still quite static. In this use case we want to explore what a more dynamic way of closing passages and areas looks like.
Intelligent Access
Setting up a national exemption system
What would a national exemption system look like? Is this desirable in keeping our cities accessible? In this use case we want to explore the potential of a national system to request and provide exemptions.
Intelligent Access
A nationally available solution
The municipality of Amsterdam has a proven application. If we make this application available nationally, other municipalities could monitor and enforce environmental zones, heavy traffic zones and passage bans too.
Transport equity
Understanding the target groups and their activities, identifying latent needs to reach workplaces and/or engage in activities or perform societal functions. What can you do within DRO?
Transport equity
What existing studies are there? What can we conclude from them, and where do we want to delve deeper to achieve transport equity? How can we prevent an increase in mobility poverty in other opportunity areas and use cases, and optimize its reduction?
Modal shift for routines
City Planners
How can we facilitate city planners in better organizing routine traffic? Collaboration with area developments, mapping the functions and destinations of areas, and providing direction.
Modal shift for routines
Chain Travel
How can we better facilitate chain travel? Consider understanding chain travel better, journeys at the ecosystem level, combined tickets, guarantees for chain transfers, reservations, and pricing measures.
Modal shift for routines
Cycling Behavior
How can we stimulate cycling behavior for routine traffic? What is the cycling potential? What missing links and barriers do we not yet have a clear view of? How can we remove these? For example, mapping cycling behavior, creating space for cycling, through-routes, and bicycle parking.
Verkenning gedragsverandering
Hoe kunnen we mensen beter begrijpen in het maken van hun keuzen en hierop acteren? Afhankelijkheden begrijpen in het handelingsperspectief. De juiste momenten, kanalen en stimuli vinden waarop gedrag te beïnvloeden is.
Traffic Safety
ISA for Cyclists
How can we use ISA (Intelligent Speed Assistance) for cyclists to make bike paths and traffic safer?
Traffic Safety
Expanding the data set on ‘safety’
How can we gain insight into accidents or unsafe situations that do not result in hospitalization? Additional data layer for bicycle usage.
Traffic Safety
Perceived Safety
What do people experience as a safe situation? And how can we give users of public spaces a stronger sense of safety?