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Curb Space
How can we make better use of the available sidewalk spaces?
This opportunity area focuses on optimizing the use of limited space for various purposes. Utilization can be adjusted throughout the day or week, or more dynamically based on real-time demand. Examples include managing the capacity of loading/unloading zones, tour bus parking, and similar spaces.
Curb Space
Monitoring actual curb usage
In this use case we want to explore what is needed to get insight in the actual use of the curb space. This could help policy makers and traffic managers in steering actual usage towards the intended usage
Curb Space
Insight in the curbside
In this use case we want to explore what information is lacking, and what is needed to give the user of public space insight into the characteristics and permitted use of our public space.
Curb Space
Dynamische optimalisatie van stoepruimte(EN)
Bij het optimaliseren van het gebruik van stoepruimte naar gewenst (en rechtvaardig) gebruik, is het nodig om het gebruik te herprioriteren. We willen onderzoeken wat het betekent om het gebruik van stoepruimte dynamisch te controleren.