Traffic Safety

How can we make public spaces safer for all users?

This opportunity area aims to develop tools that enhance the safety of public spaces for all users. By leveraging existing and new data sources, along with digitalization, these tools will support both professionals and end users (BOB) in fulfilling their responsibilities to ensure the safe use of public spaces.


Traffic Safety

Peak Moments

How can we ensure traffic safety during the busiest times, during peak moments?

Traffic Safety

ISA for Cyclists

How can we use ISA (Intelligent Speed Assistance) for cyclists to make bike paths and traffic safer?

Traffic Safety

Expanding the data set on ‘safety’

How can we gain insight into accidents or unsafe situations that do not result in hospitalization? Additional data layer for bicycle usage.

Traffic Safety

Perceived Safety

What do people experience as a safe situation? And how can we give users of public spaces a stronger sense of safety?